Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Red Face Day

Red Face Day

L.R.C. brought home a fat, red face on Friday.

The kids were having an assembly (around 150 students, the teacher said) and this particular child of mine was at the end of the line. He was so far out from his teacher (his last name starts with W so …) that she could not get his attention to tell him to stop what he was doing.

Apparently, he put another child (I was told a pretty good sized one) in a headlock or choke hold or whatever it is. He was hitting the kid and then rubbing his hair with his fist. This sounds horrible and it is, I know. It just isn’t AS horrible as it sounds because it is a big joke around here his older brothers play this way with him. They don’t do it as roughly as it sounds but as a playing around “guy” thing.

Actually, one specific older brother (who lives about 45 minutes from us and is expecting his first child but I’m not sharing any names) taught him the “right” way to do this. Since l.r.c. isn’t around any kids his age or size… he must have been waiting for someone to try it out on. He’s never done that to anyone before other than playing with his grown brothers.

He had to go sit with the teacher for the rest of the assembly and he lost recess. He also lost computer and television for a week here. We told him he loses privileges here every time he gets in trouble at school. There may be nothing left for him to do at this rate. He might just have to sit in a chair and watch the clouds go by or something.

Open house was trying because he wanted to play on the chair rack, talk while the speakers were talking and move all around. He got exasperated when we didn’t let him do any of those things and slid underneath our chairs. I wanted him to get out and sit up properly but his dad thought it was better to leave him there. So… while all the other children were sitting nicely with their parents… our son was lying underneath our seats on the floor.

He got a school shirt with a bull dog on it when we joined the PTO and we all got to see his brother’s art work displayed on the walls of the school!

When his brother (in college) was in high school, he did some art and it was put in the brand new elementary school as soon as they did the grand opening ceremony deal. He has two very nice pieces in frames --- one right before the kids go into the library and one as you are walking down the hall.

We got some pictures in his classroom so I’ll try to get them off his dad’s phone to share on here.

Monday, August 24, 2009

New Week

I found out L.R.C. got another yellow face on Friday His teacher wrote that he was playing in class.

I am praying for him specifically… for God to help him follow directions, play when it is play time, learn, enjoy it, and on it goes.
He told his dad he loves his school. His dad has been the one taking the kiddo to school in the mornings and a lot of information gets shared in that few minutes. Smile.

He told him:
• He loves school,
• All about Fun Friday… and how they get to sometimes play on the playground those days, gets to play in the big field and with balls. He said they even get to go to the fence and look down at the big cliff.
• He said there are 11 days of school and not five (he told me this, too… he started late so we didn’t mention it and figured it wouldn’t come out anyway) --- yes, well… thanks to the count down towards the 100th day of school.

On the way to church, he asked for a sling shot. Dad told him he is too young for one right now and “people can get really hurt with one of those”.
He thinks he should have one anyway before he is too old.

He was waiting right where the teachers were standing for me to pick him up. The minute he got buckled in his seat, he asked if we could go to his oldest brother’s house.

It is one of his favorite places and now they have a new baby so it is even cooler. I told him “not today” and he asked about tomorrow. I told him we have open house tomorrow. He asked about Wednesday and I told him he has a dentist appointment that day. He asked about the day after that day.

He got upset when I told him we couldn’t choose what day to go without calling them to see if they were busy. He didn’t get that at all.

He pulled his folder out in the meanwhile and yelled out that he got a green face today! Thank the Lord!

He was happy when he got home and ate two puddings and found out there is a new movie for him to watch.

He is almost ready for bed… and so am I!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 4 & 5: End of FIRST week of school!

Day 4:

I was so tired I didn't even get a post done. Instead, I tried to keep my eyes open to type a few notes on the day so I could write it later. I was gone all day yesterday (see Day 5 below:) so I am adding a quick scramble now!

On Thursday:
He said school was AWESOME.
He got home and flipped his lunchbox open and started eating.

Did List One of his sight words with mom and talked with Dad.

Rode with mom to get the girls.

Cried over the sudden loss of Cool whip, our precious little kitten and went with Dad and the girls to bury her. I cried in the house.

Watched a movie with me and talked about the storm and lightning. He was talking almost non-stop through the movie about storms.

Helped me by putting the gate up, letting one of the beagles in his sister's room and putting the other beagle in her bedtime crate.

Day 5: Last day of first week of school!

I saw him off in the morning with his little niece and nephew (isn't that funny? HE is an UNCLE?)were waving bye from the kitchen. His niece is three, nephew will be two in November and. . .

He has a brand new niece! Hailey Hope was born yesterday at 1:34 and weighed 6 lbs. and 15 ounces. She was 19 inches long and gorgeous.
L.R.C. hasn't seen her yet so we'll share more on that later.

I originally planned to share no names on here to make it easier to read for those who don't know us... but I just shared the newest family member's so we'll see:)

Hailey's big sister was mothering her like a new mama bear at the hospital and she did not like not having her home yet!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 3: Scattered Notes

This morning gave cause for a tighter bedtime on school nights.
L.R.C. has been having a very good schedule since Sunday but he couldn't fall asleep last night.

This clearly meant he would have a hard time getting up this morning.
He got up with just enough time to eat his small bowl of oatmeal (complete with butter, brown sugar, whole milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon:)and to get dressed.

When I asked if he was SURE he brushed his teeth well... his cousin called out to tell me his sister saw the toothpaste on the toothbrush. Good enough when we are in a hurry.

His dad picked him up after school and he was upset bec he left his lunchbox in the cubby! He is going to carry a brown paper bag tomorrow so hopefully the main box will be brought home then.

I was told he and dad get green faces today and I get a yellow bec I tickled him. I also hugged him and "trapped" him. Ha Ha.

I am tired and can barely keep my eyes open and I don't want to wear your eyes out so I'll hurry this up;)

When I asked what he learned at school today, he answered with:

"Just about everything you can THINK of."

He didn't have much to say about school other than expressing how glad he was to have a green face. One face closer to getting his $1 from his aunt. We had to explain to him (more than once) that it was going to be done by the week. For each new week, when he makes five green faces in a row... he gets $1.

I have to be up in time to make and clean breakfast, check his bookbag and go over his words if we have extra time. So... I'm finally off to sleep myself.

Ta Ta For Now...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day Two: Yellow Face

I go for the school pick up.

Drive through a long line in the rain. Again. No air conditioning in the suburban so that was nice.  I cheated and kept rolling down my window!

He heard his name on the walkie talkie and came right out to the car line today!

He was snapping himself in when I asked in a happy and excited tone how school went.


“Why was it horrible?”

“It just was.”

“What made it horrible? Did you get in trouble for something?”

Yes, I jumped to conclusions a bit too quickly.

“Someone else got me in trouble. He threw a pencil at me so I threw one back at him and he got me in trouble for it.”

“What trouble did you get into? What did you have to do?”

“Go to the PRINCIPAL’S office!”

“Did the other boy go to the office, too?”

Hesitate. “Yes.”

“You know it is very important to be honest and to always tell the truth. The teachers will tell me exactly what happened so I need to make sure YOU are telling me exactly what happened, okay?”

“Alright. You got me. We both went to the office.”

Confused, I say: “You already said that. Are you SURE the other boy got in trouble and it wasn’t just you?”

“Well, we were playing a GAME. A hit the apple off the head GAME and we threw pencils to play it.”

I checked his papers from the teacher and he got a yellow face along with a note from her that he was playing & talking and not following directions.

This bothers me for obvious and more than one reason. I don’t know if he is being completely honest about the hows and whys of being in trouble. There wasn’t a note from the teacher but I don’t know if they send them for this or not.

Also, it is a bit fretting to have him in trouble before his first week of school is done. Of course, we have suspected this would be the case.

I will pray for and over all of darling him tonight. I’ll pray for us. . .
For his teachers…
For the whole school while I’m at it.

We’ll have to have consequences here at home anytime he gets in trouble at school. Along with positive incentives. His aunt just offered him a dollar for every week he gets five green faces. He is all over that already. A hint of bribery? I hope it is more like rewarding nice behavior.

He really is an endearing child and brilliant in so many ways. We just have to pray for his inquisitive little self to learn the right ways to go about being such a boy.

He ran up earlier and hugged me. He told me he loves me and played a quick game before hopping down and getting ready for bed.

He also told me a boy at school has a crush on a girl at school. For some reason… I wondered if he is the little boy with a crush on a little girl. The world of little boys!

Small Boy’s Resignation

For weeks he tried to interest her
With stones of red and blue;
She snubbed his efforts, every one,
As only girls can do.

He turned handsprings and hung from trees,
Till clothes were in a wreck;
As last resort, so great his love,
He washed his ears and neck!

Ralph J. Donahue

First Day of School

Day One: “Fine.”

Little Red Chief was picked up with both parents for his first day. He hopped in and we immediately started asking about school.

“How did you like school?!”


“How did you like your teachers?”


“Did you have fun? What did you do?”

“It was all fine. We did stuff and it was fine.”

Later, he did tell me he learned that 100 plus 100 was 200 and 200 plus 100 was 300. He also told me he has three teachers. “One is VERY mean to ME. One is VERY nice to me. One is a little mean to me and a little or lot nice to me.”

I asked why one was very mean to him and he said:
“She said, ‘No, no, NO! You don’t sit with those teachers!”

He was a bit down about not having nap time like his older brothers but found out he does have outdoor play time.

“They have one of those play things, you know? They have this thing that goes like this and you can jump over like that (with full hand illustrations) and there are those one kinds of things that you go on.”

When his name was called from the walkie talkies… he didn’t listen or know to come out to where the car line is. The teacher asked us to please encourage him to listen for his name and then she reminded him. Hopefully, he’ll know to do this tomorrow!

He opened up his lunchbox and hadn’t eaten anything except some of his Cheeto’s. We are usually adamant about healthy lunches but these are his favorites and they are soft. He is going to the dentist this month because two of his teeth are hurting (wonder why with the sweets he cons relatives into giving him) and I thought the cheese puffs would be easy.

He asked me how to drink his water using the new plastic bottle (I wanted a stainless steel or safer plastic but they wanted WAY too much money for them!) and I showed him how to pull the spout up.

He practiced his sight words and showed me his behavior chart (a green face is “Way to Go!” … a yellow is “Watch Out!” and red is “Not tolerated”… he got a green face!

This child I usually have to tell more than once (and sometimes embarrassingly more than that) to put his things up… put his shoes, lunch box, backpack and supplies up. He put his dirty clothes in the laundry and got ready for bed in record time. Go, Braxton as everyone keeps posting to him on facebook. Smiles!

Modern Day Little Red Chief

When my husband and I had our three oldest boys, he read them a story his grandparents read to him as a little boy. We laughed through the whole thing and have joked about it ever since.

The story by O. Henry is explained here:

and can be read online for free.

When the youngest of our three sons was five, we had our only daughter. Ten years later, we were blessed with our 5th child ... and 4th little boy.

This child got a quick nick name of "Little Red Chief" by his dad and I instantly agreed. We didn't want to give him a complex (like that would happen) so we have let it be "our" name when talking about the day's activities. There are always a generous amount of them to discuss.

He has taken off running and been from our door to his Granna's a pathway across in a matter of SECONDS.

He (at a year or so old) snuck to the same place when Granna's new home was being built... got into a truck a worker left keys in. This literally happened in a span of three minutes and he was trying to start the truck. I noticed he didn't put the movie in within 60 seconds (yes, he was using a DVD player by then) and asked his brother to check and l.r.c. was already up the hill. He was one.

My sister thought I was being ridiculous to continually warn her of how quickly he can be out of sight. He was around two years old and she was outside talking on the phone with him at her side. Within minutes, she was running through the path... calling his name and trying to find him. He had taken OFF as he walked around her and run straight through his Granna's house from one end to the other by the time she got to him.

These are just small things. There have been books and books and books worth... I kept meaning to write them all down just so we'd believe them. I haven't, until now.

We keep praying and praying for the Lord to guide us. We have worn out a bit after over 23 years of parenting and now grand parenting. With a child like our six year old though... there is no place for fading out or watering down. We have to get back to routines, set strict schedules and fight, fight, fight for consistency.

Here starts a journal of our hike through raising our own little red chief... and some of the "events" along the way. . .