Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Maturity

Little Red Chief has been silently surprising us lately.
I keep catching him being quite the gentleman with his niece, E. Skye maiden.
It is always funny to consider him her uncle when they are only three years apart.

Today, they played outside in the sand box, at the swing set, and through the yard with one of our whacky beagles.

When they came in to get a drink of water, L.R.C. was carrying miss maiden's shoes. For such a boy as this... a touching thing it was to see.

Since then, he has encouraged her to drink more water since it was hot outside, told her she looked "real pretty" when she got dressed after a shower and opened all the new play dough containers for her.

His heart is bigger than his rough exterior sometimes lets people see!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

School So Far

Braxton is flying through the Accelerated Reader list. They are supposed to read one AR book each day and he seems to love it so far.

He has read one of my all time favorites from when the older boys were little:
Bedtime for Frances by Russell Hoban.

BL (Book Level) is 2.7 (If I understand correctly, this is approximately (or on average) a second grade level in the seventh month of school. He is in first so that is pretty cool.
0.5 AR points!

He usually reads each day's AR book in bed with his dad during his bedtime routine. Tonight, I was over seeing his homework and he wanted to read it to me. He actually sang the entire book... smiles. I wrote it down on the sheet and he'll be tested tomorrow to get his points.

Another one on the list that he already got points for was: Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. I don't know how to do pictures right from a site on here and the last time I tried to make a hyper link --- I couldn't get ANY posts to go through SO ... forgive the lie of being able to look inside the book! If you click these pictures, it will just show them in a bigger size!

BL 3.4 and AR points are 0.5
I was going to scan this week's memo from the page they have each day. There is a section of circles on one side of the page for charting behavior that day and listing the homework. On the other side is a quick break down of what they are doing for the present week in Reading/Math/Language/Science. Sometimes, they will include a boxed memo under the list of studies.
This week it was a note to parents to please not allow kids to take toys to school. It said a lot of the kids were sneaking toys in back packs and pockets.
I know at least one of those kids and half way wondered if the whole note was because of a certain Red Chief. He got in trouble for giving another student a plastic gun and got in trouble a separate time for having his Granna's brand new cat toy --- a plastic mouse with a button for a laser. Yes, we are working on it.
We've resorted to doing a quick pocket, notebook, and more search before he leaves each morning.

If you would like to check your child's AR list or gather books you already own to see if they are on it, there are sites for each county and some share lists. I had a hard time finding ours so I did a search and found one I am using until I find a more local version. 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Today's Little Red Chief

 Children, obey your parents; this is the right thing to do because God has placed them in authority over you. Honor your father and mother. This is the first of God's Ten Commandments that ends with a promise. And this is the pormise: that if you honor your father and mother,  yours will be a long life, full of blessing. 
And now a word to you parents. Don't keep on scolding and nagging your children, making them angry and resentful. Rather, bring them up with the loving discipline the Lord Himself approves, with suggestions and godly advice.
Ephesians 6:1-4

Braxton / April 2010

Little Red Chief has been to the library again since my last post and hopefully, we'll go weekly or so from now on.

He finished his swimming lessons and gets to start another level at the beginning of next summer.

He is also out of routine, a blessed and angelic creature one hour and a devouring mini beast another and keeping up with him is an adventure at the total least.

We've raised four other kids to teenager and beyond and have helped with a LOT of nieces and nephews and had ages from 3 to 16 stay with us. I did childcare when our oldest three were little. That is at least a bit of experience, isn't it? Now, we are having a harder time with one seven  year old than ALL the other ages, children, and visitors put together!

L.R.C. is smart. He is very, very intelligent and completely creative. He has a heart that refuses to watch Charlotte's Web because it is sad when Charlotte dies... feels sad when his favorite movie sequel (Toy Story 3) changes so the toys are no longer with their "boy" and he cannot stand it when happiness doesn't win out in the story. That last one ... he gets honestly from his mama!

Anyway, this child also can push every button, lever, knob, switch, and/or handle of a human's emotions to places they never knew existed. He can exasperate, wear out, wear thin, frustrate, upset, and emotionally torture the few who are in authority over him. His teenage sister is known by everyone who knows her as forgiving, sweet and for the most part... agreeable person. She has another side reserved just for her little brother. The problem is... no one can blame her bec/ one of his greatest joys is getting the most animated responses from her he can.
One tiny example is:
He knows she cannot stand for any bug, bird, or most other living things to die. She pleads with her dad to catch moths, spiders, and any other wandering insect or such and safely release them outside. Her youngest of four brothers rode with me on a usual day of picking her up after school and the second she climbed into the front seat, he yelled out in an excited voice from the back seat: "Guess what, LAUREN?! A grasshopper is SQUISHED and DEAD in our driveway!!!!!!"

Longest story in recent years finally making a point is . . . .
I am doing what I did close to (or over?)  20 years ago when our oldest three were babies and reading a book on parenting. I've read a few over the years but the one I remember making an instant impact and affecting me SO much for the good at once was James Dobson's, Dare to Discipline. I took back control, grabbed some of what I was afraid I'd start losing and held onto the wisdom found in it through anything else I read.

Fast forward to today and I am reading the same author's book: The Strong Willed Child and the first pages are already giving me hope. The other book I am sure to devour (a few pages in and I'm diving all the way) is: Dr. Keven Leman's: Making  Children Mind without Losing Yours.

Sigh of relief.
God is guiding us with floating devices in the same sea of parenthood with different fish to bring in and He has the attached ropes to pull us in, too. Now, to not panic.... to keep afloat... to listen to instructions... and swim purposely back to the boat and eventually ... ride it back to the shore.

"Step to the plate and be a parent. Decide that your family is your most important calling and commit yourself to it. Take the job of caring for your kids. It won't be easy. It won't always be fun. But it will be worth it."
Dr. Kevin Leman

I'll let you know how it goes... if I am awake and alive.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mid Summer

Library books!
Braxton now has his own library card and he picked out seven books to bring home. Aunt Lynda was with us and she suggested this many from the huge stacks she helped him lug over to choose from!

Here are the ones he got:

Dinosaurs and Other First Animals (Read About) No pictures available online and no camera is nearby to take one!

Tyrannosaurus Rex and Its Kin: The Mesozoic Monsters - Hardcover (Mar. 1989) by Helen Roney Sattler and Joyce Ann Powzyk (Same as above)

CAN U SAY DINOSAUR-B/P (Learning Ladders/Yellow Ladder) (Hardcover)
by Katharine Ross (Author)
The other two are presently being read (again) and not in here with me so I will share them later --- if I remember!

Is it a wee bit obvious what this continually going 7-year old is into right now?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Braxton & Emily: Spring Break

This might be the highlight of Spring Break for these two:)
They and Caden (two years) had a BLAST playing in mud from freshly tilled land.
As soon as they came in, we got trash bags out and made them wait until the shower water was running.

Braxton and Caden had theirs in the shower and got washed, scrubbed and rinsed from me and Emily had the same done by her mama in the kitchen sink. It took some time to get heads washed, bodies washed, bodies rinsed from head to feet, bodies and hair dried, and everyone dressed but they had natural fun in the fresh air and sunshine.
I rinsed all their clothes in cold water and rubbed somewhat clean with a bar of Ivory soap before throwing in the washer. I figured that even with some staining ... we can have play clothes ready for the next messy day!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Maturity

Little Red Chief has been silently surprising us lately.
I keep catching him being quite the gentleman with his niece, E. Skye maiden.
It is always funny to consider him her uncle when they are only three years apart.

Today, they played outside in the sand box, at the swing set, and through the yard with one of our whacky beagles.

When they came in to get a drink of water, L.R.C. was carrying miss maiden's shoes. For such a boy as this... a touching thing it was to see.

Since then, he has encouraged her to drink more water since it was hot outside, told her she looked "real pretty" when she got dressed after a shower and opened all the new play dough containers for her.

His heart is bigger than his rough exterior sometimes lets people see!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

2 Trips to the Creek

A beaver chewed stick!

Since today is. . .

Braxton's 7th birthday . . .

I am sharing pictures from the past year that I haven't had time to post before now.

(J. R. Miller, "Home-Making" 1882)
Parents! You are fashioning the destinies of immortal souls!

What we want to do with our children, is not merely to control them and keep them in order--but to implant true principles deep in their hearts which shall rule their whole lives; to shape their character from within into Christlike beauty, and to make of them noble men and women, strong for battle of life. They are to be trained rather than governed. Growth of character, not merely good behavior--is the object of all home governing and teaching. Therefore the home influence is far more important than the home laws; and the parents' lives are of more significance than their teachings. Whatever may be done in the way of governing, teaching or training--theories are not half as important as the parents' lives. They may teach the most beautiful things--but if the child does not see these things modeled in the life of the parent--he will not consider them important enough to be adopted in his own life.

Braxton in the SNOW!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Home from School

L.R.Chief was home from school today.
He woke up coughing and congested and said he couldn't go to school and get the other kids sick.

He was sick all day but by this evening had rested it away. He is doing much better now and should be fine for school in the morning.

At one point, he had on his G.I. Joe pajamas with a leather belt around his waist and his fireman rainboots on.

He was playing a game with Emily and they were trying to do hand stands on the armoire until Pops told on them both.

'Twas today . . .

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Things have been so non stop around here.
Little Red Chief has grown by "leaps and bounds" as the too often used saying goes.

His jeans aren't keeping up with him and the knees are wearing out right before the length does. He has flown past the size 6 and then 7 I thought he would be in for awhile longer and is in an 8!

He will be seven years old THIS MONTH!

He has said and done so many GREAT things since I last wrote but I haven't recorded them faithfully. How I wish I had!
Maybe I'll get better at it now that I've finally posted again.