Tuesday, September 14, 2010

School So Far

Braxton is flying through the Accelerated Reader list. They are supposed to read one AR book each day and he seems to love it so far.

He has read one of my all time favorites from when the older boys were little:
Bedtime for Frances by Russell Hoban.

BL (Book Level) is 2.7 (If I understand correctly, this is approximately (or on average) a second grade level in the seventh month of school. He is in first so that is pretty cool.
0.5 AR points!

He usually reads each day's AR book in bed with his dad during his bedtime routine. Tonight, I was over seeing his homework and he wanted to read it to me. He actually sang the entire book... smiles. I wrote it down on the sheet and he'll be tested tomorrow to get his points.

Another one on the list that he already got points for was: Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. I don't know how to do pictures right from a site on here and the last time I tried to make a hyper link --- I couldn't get ANY posts to go through SO ... forgive the lie of being able to look inside the book! If you click these pictures, it will just show them in a bigger size!

BL 3.4 and AR points are 0.5
I was going to scan this week's memo from the page they have each day. There is a section of circles on one side of the page for charting behavior that day and listing the homework. On the other side is a quick break down of what they are doing for the present week in Reading/Math/Language/Science. Sometimes, they will include a boxed memo under the list of studies.
This week it was a note to parents to please not allow kids to take toys to school. It said a lot of the kids were sneaking toys in back packs and pockets.
I know at least one of those kids and half way wondered if the whole note was because of a certain Red Chief. He got in trouble for giving another student a plastic gun and got in trouble a separate time for having his Granna's brand new cat toy --- a plastic mouse with a button for a laser. Yes, we are working on it.
We've resorted to doing a quick pocket, notebook, and more search before he leaves each morning.

If you would like to check your child's AR list or gather books you already own to see if they are on it, there are sites for each county and some share lists. I had a hard time finding ours so I did a search and found one I am using until I find a more local version. 

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