Saturday, March 27, 2010

2 Trips to the Creek

A beaver chewed stick!

Since today is. . .

Braxton's 7th birthday . . .

I am sharing pictures from the past year that I haven't had time to post before now.

(J. R. Miller, "Home-Making" 1882)
Parents! You are fashioning the destinies of immortal souls!

What we want to do with our children, is not merely to control them and keep them in order--but to implant true principles deep in their hearts which shall rule their whole lives; to shape their character from within into Christlike beauty, and to make of them noble men and women, strong for battle of life. They are to be trained rather than governed. Growth of character, not merely good behavior--is the object of all home governing and teaching. Therefore the home influence is far more important than the home laws; and the parents' lives are of more significance than their teachings. Whatever may be done in the way of governing, teaching or training--theories are not half as important as the parents' lives. They may teach the most beautiful things--but if the child does not see these things modeled in the life of the parent--he will not consider them important enough to be adopted in his own life.

Braxton in the SNOW!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Home from School

L.R.Chief was home from school today.
He woke up coughing and congested and said he couldn't go to school and get the other kids sick.

He was sick all day but by this evening had rested it away. He is doing much better now and should be fine for school in the morning.

At one point, he had on his G.I. Joe pajamas with a leather belt around his waist and his fireman rainboots on.

He was playing a game with Emily and they were trying to do hand stands on the armoire until Pops told on them both.

'Twas today . . .